Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research (ISSN: 2320–4818) is an internationally, peer reviewed, bimonthly published open access online and print research journal.
Subjects Covered: Journal aimed at publishing recent advances in the form of Scientific & Innovative Research and Review articles in thrust areas of Medical, Dental, Agriculture and Life Sciences such as Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry which include Pharmaceutical technology, Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Pharmaceutical analysis, Cancer biology, Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology, Molecular biology, Animal sciences, Marine biology, Plant biology, Stem cell research, Food sciences, Cell biology, Genomics and Proteomics, Microbiology, Immunology, Computational chemistry, Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical chemistry, QSAR, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy practice, Hospital and Clinical pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmacogenomics, Bioinformatics, etc.
Abstracting and Indexing information: The journal is indexed with Index Copernicus, Berlin Social Sciences Center, Ulrich's International Periodical Directory, Google Scholar, Indian Science, PubsHub, University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken (Germany), Libraries Directory...Learn more.
Journal ISSN: 2320–4818
Journal Title: Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research
Abbreviated Title: J. Sci. Innov. Res.
Editor-in-Chief: Click Here
Journal DOI: 10.31254/jsir
Publication Frequency: Quarterly (March, June, September, December)
Journal Status: Online
Journal Language: English
Plagiarism Checker: iThenticate Software
Publisher: BioMed Research Publishers
Journal Subscription: Interested persons and libraries can subscribe "Journal of Scientific & Innovative Research" in print version. Learn more.
Call for Papers:
Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research invites manuscripts for next issue; Volume 14 Issue 1, 2025 (January-March). Author can send their articles to manuscript@jsirjournal.com, info.jsirjournal@gmail.com. Online submission of the manuscript is strongly recommended. If you have any query, fell free to contact us editor@jsirjournal.com.